Monday 16 March 2015

Eleanor & Chloe's 100wc - week 26...

It was Friday 13th; I was home alone in my haunted house... I heard an eerie creek coming from the ancient floorboards upstairs. I froze, raised my eyebrows and rocked from side to side. I stepped out of the kitchen and stared all the way up the stairs: I saw my friend! I slowly lifted up one foot and placed it gently on the rusty step. I reached the top and I saw a shadow's glare across the landing. As they turned the corner, I followed the shadows until it came to a dead end, a really DEAD end...


  1. Eleanor and Chloe, I really liked and enjoyed to read your story. You described it really well. How come you were alone on Friday the 13th ? But still I really liked your story. - Emma

  2. Hi Eleanor and Chloe,

    I have really enjoyed your scary entry this week. You used the prompt well, had good suspense throughout and gave the reader a fantastically spooky ending! Well done.
    I look forward to reading some more of your entries.

    Mrs Petersen (Team 100WC) Australia
