Monday 16 March 2015

Chelsea's 100wc - week 26...

It's not very great here living in London, because planes come every night bombing it's all ready
been 45 nights.Tonight is the 46th night: there is probably going to be more bombing.
The siren went off,I could hear planes flying over,I could smell smoke,my heart was pumping like a
earthquake. Then all of a sudden bang! A bomb dropped some where near the shelter.
Frightened,terrified,exhausted,I'd slowly opened the shelter door,my house was bombed...
As they turned the corner my heart started to beep more,faster and faster,I new what they was
going to do to me...

1 comment:

  1. Great story Chelsea, I really enjoyed it. You just need to check your grammar and how you've set out some sentences. A good way to do this is to give it to a friend to read. But besides from that, a wonderful story.
