Thursday 5 February 2015

Coral & Jamie's 100wc - week 20...

Florence and the Hyena!

Florence (the zookeeper) climbed the tall anxious giraffe. “Hello Clive, I’m here to feed you today!” exclaimed Florence softly, she fed the giraffe and climbed down again. It was another miserable and grey day down in Fredfield Zoo and there was a special delivery: “What’s that?” Florence asked her manager, “it’s the new animal, the spotted hyena, be careful though he is very grumpy and unfriendly”.

It was lunch time, and Florence was eating her tasty ham sandwich. Suddenly, she sat open-mouthed, as if she has just seen a ghost. She screamed a mighty scream and ran for her life! The spotted hyena was chasing her! She tripped over a small stone; the hyena pounced onto her back, and viciously ripped up her skin...


  1. Very strange Jamie and Coral, but I love it:-P

  2. What an unexpectedly-grizzly ending, girls! I wasn't expecting it at all! This is a well-written and punctuated 100wc - well done, girls!
    Mr K :)

  3. very scary and strange but loved it, keep it up :)
