Saturday 20 September 2014

Sienna's 100wc - week 3...

I exploded through the spine-chilling trees, the sound of heavy footed guards thundering through a black night. Suddenly a curtain of green leaves swept aside to reveal a milky white bridge. There were posh porcelain steps hardened with marble and covered in intricate patterns bathed in golden moonlight. Below, a roaring river swept over polished concrete. I swiftly ran, my feet slipping on pebbly stones. As I came up to the centre of the once beautiful bridge, a cyclone crossed my path. Miraculously, it worked like a knife cutting the bridge in two: spinning around desperately, I jumped. After minutes of terror I was dying, dying, dead...

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Sienna, thats awesome! Extremely descripted
