Saturday 20 September 2014

Rosie's 100wc - week 3...

Imagine a time where you have to run to the Half bridge or to the police officers and give up. It all started at McDonalds, three friends and one concern that they were all in trouble. Eating the food anxiously, they heard the terrifying sirens they thought,” should we run, or should we hide? We should definitely run!” as they saw the horrifying police officers coming in to the building. As they scattered to the back door, they nervously said, ”lets go to half bridge.” Sprinting as fast as they could, they saw a beautiful view all around. The girls slowed down really quickly as their hearts were beating faster and faster, ”what should we do: should we give or jump for our lives into the water?”


  1. great 100wc rosie!

  2. chelsea from ash class7 October 2014 at 06:28

    wow Rosie i really like the last bit: should we give up or jump fot our lives into the water i think that is brilliant and keep it up

  3. WOW!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
