Tuesday 30 September 2014

Molly W's 100wc - week 5...

Dead excited for christmas...

It was christmas eve…

That one night of the year when the cheesy old songs are on and sweet wonderful smells come wafting from the kitchen.That one night of the year where your imagination runs wild. It was 12 O’clock and it was time to put the fire out and head upstairs to bed…

As I looked round a deafening scream filled to room my little brother lay on the floor. DEAD.

It all happened at once the dog was barking the ambulance siren rang repetitively in my ears, my mum had fainted and my dad was crying…

All of a sudden it all went black. Darkness. Silence…


  1. Oh dear, how did he die??? Is there a part two?

  2. Wow, Molly - an excellent cliff-hanger to finish on - a great way of leaving your readers wanting more! This is a brilliant 100wc - so well-written! Could you turn the second to last paragraph into a De:de sentence?
    Mr K :-)

  3. but i thought Christmas was supposed happy and i love the title

  4. Well done, Molly. You have really set a picture in my head and your story leads the reader into a mystery. I would love to know how the little brother died. Did the dog eat him ? Keep up the good work and good luck with your next 100wc. From Octavia

  5. That is amazing is there going to be part 2. WELL DONE Molly

  6. chelsea from ash class7 October 2014 at 06:10

    that is amazing molly and i really like this sentence: As I looked round a deafening scream filled to room my little brother lay on the floor. DEAD. that sentence is amazing your a really good writer!!
