Tuesday 30 September 2014

Libby's 100wc - week 5...

Surrounding our house's are cornfields that spread for miles. The corn in the fields is as high as a car. One summers evening Jamie, Molly, Chloe and I were running the in the cornfields playing tig. Suddenly, I heard a scream I thought it was my friends playing a joke. I began searching harder for my friends, shouting for them. I heard Jamie screaming my name, I ran as fast as I could running into something. It gave me a fright, when I opened my eyes it was just the Scarecrow. It was beginning to get dark. I heard rustling in the corn, as I looked around….. 


  1. I wonder why I was screaming, thank you Libby for giving me a role in your 100wc.

  2. Scary, scary stuff, Libby - I'll think twice before walking in any fields from now on! Poor old Jamie - I hope she survived!
    * Think about why we use apostrophes - does 'house's' on the first line need one?
    Mr K :-)

  3. i want to carry on reading

  4. Oh the suspense!
    I like that you have begun with a description to set the scene and then the story begins. I can feel the panic and urgency as you search for your friends. You hooked me in! And I want to know what happens next!!
    Thanks for sharing your work Libby!
    Miss P (Team 100WC)
