Monday 29 September 2014

Jamie's 100wc - week 5...

As I looked around, there was no one. As I looked around, everything was still. As I looked around, everyone, everywhere, was silent. The ground started to wobble, everyone was now screaming, and there were lots of people crowding the streets. What had just happened? Why did this happen? Who did this? Questions were screaming violently at me, had I done something wrong. It was frightening, I was baffled. My father said it was an earthquake, how was I to know, I was only three years of age. I didn't get life, it confused me, I would figure it out soon, hopefully.


  1. Ooh, my homework :-)

  2. i like the picture

  3. I love your writing style here. The repetition really adds to the atmosphere of the text. I also like how you used personification 'Questions were screaming violently at me.'
    Well written short sentences for impact too. I think that you have captured what would be going through a young child's mind after an earthquake very well.
