Saturday 20 September 2014

Ben's 100wc - week 3...

Here i am stuck in this stinking prison cell, but tonight i'm going to bust out of here and also run off!
            night fell and i was ready. i dug a hole and ran out! of the stinking building but it really didn't work out because the cops found me they were coming after me with there dogs i ran as fast as i could i got to the ancient bridge and i could feel the floor of the crumbling stone and also i could hear the ferocious barking dogs and cops shouting and thundering footsteps! OH NO! the bridge has collapsed and there's no where to go. the cops were close now:what do i do? jump or hand my self in?  


  1. Hi Ben! This is literally a cliffhanger - or should I say a bridge-hanger - of a story! You have left the reader wondering what will happen next, good job! Your descriptions are vivid: "ferocious barking dogs", "thundering footsteps" and helped me create a little movie of the action in my head! To make your story even better, try and reread your piece to add punctuation such as commas and full stops (I felt a little breathless in places as I was reading your story!). I hope you keep entering the 100 word challenge.
    Mrs Pratt (Team 100WC)

  2. Hello Ben,

    This is a super and imaginative storyline, Ben. You have used some powerful adjectives to good effect.

    Next time, try to remember to re-read your writing and think carefully about your use of capital letters to improve your work.

    Thank you for sharing your story with the 100WC.

    Mrs Shaw (Team 100WC)
